Il mistero del sarcofago (mummy mystery)
Il mistero del sarcofago (mummy mystery)
Codice Prodotto: | 2660 |
Disponibilità: | Disponibile |
- Imponibile: 15,00€
Il prestigiatore mostra al pubblico un antico sarcofago raffigurante una mummia egizia e tre statue di diverso colore: una nera, una bianca e un'altra grigia. Ora si volta di spalle e chiede ad uno spettatore di mettere una statua dentro al sarcofago e nascondere le altre due in tasca. Sotto gli occhi increduli del pubblico, il prestigiatore sarà in grado di rivelare quale statua si trova chiusa nel sarcofago.
• Il sarcofago misura cm 9x3,5.
• Un oggetto tascabile da portare sempre con se.
• Un effetto di mentalismo tanto misterioso quanto facile da eseguire.
All three mummies and the sarcophagus are handed to your spectator. You ask them to inspect each piece to ensure there is no trickery.
You instruct your spectator to place one of the colored mummies into the sarcophagus and to hide the other two from your view.
Next, you walk out of the room as your spectator follows your instructions. When you walk back into the room, you immediately know which of the mummies was placed inside the sarcophagus!!! This can be repeated over and over. You NEVER miss!
You cannot see inside the sarcophagus, it is 100% opaque.
You never touch the mummies.
You never touch the sarcophagus.
You never have to ask any questions.
You never have to get near the sarcophagus to know which Mummy is hidden within.
Remember -- the mummies are handed over to a spectator, along with a plastic coffin, and the spectator is invited to place the mummy he fancies into the coffin. The other two mummies are concealed, but each time, the magician can immediately reveal the correct color of the mummy without ever touching it. You'll love performing this and amazing your audience!